We have thousand's of tradesman covering the West Smethwick (B67) area. Whether you need a local boiler engineer or a handyman in West Smethwick, simply pick a trade and get quotes ASAP.
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Here at A2z star heating and plumbing Solutions we undertake all Gas heating and plumbing work as well as handyman jobs too. Always giving outstanding...
Distance: 0.3 mile(s)
Location: Birmingham
Behind Evolution Cooling is a team of chiller experts with over 50 years’ collective experience in the process cooling sector. With a vast technical...
Distance: 0.4 mile(s)
For a quote please email info@ecomadesimple.co.uk In your email include the work you require, name, address and phone number. We will then arrange a v...
Distance: 1.1 mile(s)
Location: West Bromwich
Knowle Engineering Ltd specializes in installing boiler & retrofit insulation measures. The Directors have a combined 30 years of industry experience...
Distance: 1.8 mile(s)
Birmingham based Oven Repair Express, is a well established firm offering oven repair, cooker repairs and oven cleaning services across the region. We...
Distance: 2.8 mile(s)
Location: Birmingham, West Midlands